
Social Media Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Reputation

September 17th, 2019 by esigners

You aren’t truly nurturing your brand if you aren’t doing your social media right. Remember that with almost 94% of the small and medium sized businesses resorting to social media (that’s exactly what LinkedIn says) – there’s actually a lot of difference between just doing social media and doing it right! Doing social media right is definitely about not committing the major mistakes that we are going to document here. So, read on in order to be duly guided.

The lack of human voice
You aren’t etching out a (human) voice of your own among your customers through social media—that’s as good as neglecting them. More than 80 to 85% of the potential buyers will try to reach out you via social media. And a major part of your digital endeavor consists of your efforts to literally keep up with complaints, queries and grudges. All it means is that you have to respond to all your peeps have to say about your brand – with a view to establish a more human connection with them through the virtual world. If you’re ignoring their voices then you’ll witness your own voice dwindling over a period of time.

Who said there is no ROI?
Social media is scalable. The impact that you have been able to make is quantified both by figures and virtual footfalls. Using the right metrics for social marketing is crucial to your growth. Social media analytics play a huge role in determining your social media efforts. Use the right KPI or Key Performance Indicators in order to measure your impact. KPIs are not reflected solely by the likes you have got. They don’t matter if not backed by a strong engagement rate. You can take the help of right social media marketing companies to boost your brand.

Insensitive Content: A Big No No!
Refrain from posting insensitive content. If a sarcastic approach has yielded results for a particular brand – it doesn’t really mean that it will do the same for you.